Lost Knight at the Ford
The party comes to a shallow river at the edge of the moor. Beyond lies the dark treeline of Jewelspider Wood and, to the north, open pasture and the lands of men.
Directly across the rushing waters, they see a tattered half-fallen tent on the other side. A cooking pot and spit are overgrown with weeds. The river widens here and the waters are only ankle-deep. As soon as they step out onto the shifting stones, an armoured knight emerges from the tent. His surcoat as dilapidated as his tent, his face is hidden under a great helm. He walks to the river's edge and shouts a challenge over: “He who crosses my ford must first meet me in battle!” His voice sounds echoless and hollow. Those with a Psychic Talent of 14 or more will feel that something is wrong but that it is more melancholy than dangerous. If a PC accepts, the knight will call for his horse. When no servant comes running with it saddled and ready, the knight will look around in apparent confusion but will then shout that they will fight on foot! and step out onto the stones1).
This combat is over rushing water, upon stones that turn and shift under one's feet. Any character who fails a Reflexes Check with a Difficulty Factor of 16 will find themselves falling into the water. The Knight of the Ford is an honourable opponent, however, and will stand back for his dunked adversary to regain their footing.
The Knight of the Ford will fight until his opponent takes a significant wound, then ask them to yield. He himself will not yield. The final blow upon him will strike through a suit of mail hung over an old skeleton. His opponent, if he fought with valour and halts to bury this lost soul, will regain 2 HP as the poor knight finally rests.
This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 6.