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One Knight's Crusade

(James Healey)

An adventure for 4-6 Rank 1 characters

The players are recruited by Sir Gunthar, a vassal knight of Baron Grisaille. Recently returned from the Crusades, he found his family dead or scattered. His sole surviving relative and nephew, Will, having been corrupted by a mysterious Barbarian, had joined this band of brigands who had usurped the family lands.

The real story is that he returned to find his brother, Donal, dead and his nephew, Will, in charge. As Gunthar tried to take control, Will sent him packing. Gunthar assembled a band of cut-throats and took the lands, installing his cousin, Bardan, as a puppet ruler. Known now as 'The Hunter', Will escaped, gathering together a group of disaffected farmers/villagers, and aided by a childhood friend, Oleg, took over a watchtower on the Albion and Thuland border, setting pit traps to hamper any attacks (REF 12, 2m drop with spikes at the bottom (2d3, 4)).

Player Information

The players find Sir Gunthar in a local inn. He seeks aid to reclaim a tower that brigands use as a base to rob travellers and merchants. The brigands are led by The Hunter. Gunthar will pay eight crowns to the characters if they can take the watchtower, and bring The Hunter to justice.


Sir Gunthar – Rank 3 Knight – Str 8 Ref 17 Int 11 PT 9 Lks 7 – ATT 15 DEF 11 MD 5 EV 6 STH 14 PER 5 AF 5 HP 13 Sword (d8, 4), Bow (d6, 4), Shield, Potion of Healing and 12 crowns. Skills: Track, Ride Warhorse

Will – Rank 3 Hunter – Str 11 Ref 16 Int 12 PT 5 Lks 15 – ATT 16 DEF 9 MD 3 EV 7 STH 19 PER 9 AF 3 HP 11 Bow (d6 +1, 3) Shortsword (d8, 3). Skills: Track, Bowyer/Fletcher, Precise Shot, Favoured Weapon (Bow), Favoured Terrain (Hills), Set Traps, Forage, Stillness, False Trails

Oleg – Rank 3 Barbarian – Str 16 Ref 8 Int 6 PT 12 Lks 9 – ATT 18 DEF 8 MD 5 EV 4 STH 13 PER 5 AF 4 HP 15 Battleaxe (d8 +1, 7) Mace (d6 +1, 5). Skills: Track, Ride Warhorse, Berserk

Brigands (10) – Rank 1 Humans – Ref 11 – ATT 11 DEF 5 MD 3 EV 3 STH 12 PER 4 AF 2 HP 7 Bow (d6, 4) Staff (d6, 3)

The Tower

The Tower by Shaun Hately

Each block is 1 square metre
  1. Entrance – Acts as a stable and meeting chamber.
  2. Armoury – 50% chance of common weapons being found here. A small room at the back contains two suits of ringmail and a +1 Dagger (d4 +1, 4).
  3. Privy – A tunnel leads to the outside. Characters with Str 8 or less can crawl up this way.
  4. Living Area – Kitchen and Larder. Contains chairs, tables, and a well.
  5. Brigands' Bedroom – There are arrow slits and murder holes in this room.
  6. Bridgands' Bedroom – Second of the brigands' bedrooms. More arrow slits and murder holes in this room.
  7. Will and Oleg's Bedroom - Bedroom used by Will and Oleg. Arrow slits and murder holes in this room.
  8. Stores – Stores food, barrels of water, oil and pickled fish, a brazier, and bundles of arrows. A trapdoor can be reached by ladder, leading to the roof, where a large stone brazier is filled with oily wood.

This article first appeared in the Casket of Fays Issue 3.

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adventures/one_knights_crusade.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/03 14:12 by cobdrag

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