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The Ragger Men

(Tom Clare)

A terrible stench wafts to the party from a nearby copse, and any horses will baulk. If they investigate, they will find a horrible sight: a group of six tattered corpses sitting around a long-extinguished fire. Still more horrible, if anyone makes a loud sound, the corpses will jerk their heads in the sound of the direction and then stagger to their feet to investigate. They are ghasts, and will attack anyone who invades their camp.

The ragger men will ponderously pursue the party for several hours until they lose interest.

ATTACK 15 Gnarled fists (d6, 3)
DEFENCE 4 None (AF 0)
MAGICAL ATTACK N/A Magic Points None
MAGICAL DEFENCE 5 Health Points 1d6 +10 (13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 13)
EVASION 2 Movement 8m (16m)

Clutch: If a ragger man rolls a critical hit, it has fastened its desiccated hands around its opponent's neck, strangling them for 1d3 +1 damage automatically each round. It is now bound to its victim, however, and a successful strike of at least 6 points aimed at its wrist will sever its hands; the hands will still be attached to the PC, though now unable to continue to injure them.

This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 5.

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adventures/ragger_men.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/29 16:18 by

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