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The Gloomvile

(Andrew Wright)

Many are the demonic denizens of the infernal regions and mysterious are their motivations and obligations. One such pack of strange and rare lesser fiends are the ragged Gloomviles1). These are gaunt, human-like figures in dark robes that spill out behind them like pools of shadow and their flesh is a bloodless grey-white. Their grim visages are cruel and twisted, with bleak, malice-haunted eyes, and their thin hands end in claw-like nails.

Gloomviles typically manifest in set circular locations of arcane power; a pentagram lit by large wax candles, for example, or a round group of toadstools in a forest clearing, or even a ring of standing stones beneath a moon-lit sky (for example, see Over the Gloaming Moor). They cannot leave the boundaries of their place of manifestation, but will beg for visitors to enter, and (if the victims are stupid enough to do so), set upon them with flailing talons.

If a Gloomvile causes a critical hit in combat (i.e., a roll of 1 on the d20 Hit Roll), it has grabbed its opponent's throat with both hands and throttled the victim for 10 Health Points damage, armour notwithstanding. A Gloomvile will regenerate 1 Health Point per Round if they have taken damage from a non-magical weapon; spells and magical weapons wound them normally, while the touch of a relic will reduce them to a puff of grey smoke. Once per day, a Gloomvile may cast the Benight spell (see Dragon Warriors p. 105), though without the attendant Geas misfortune.

Gloomvile by Andrew WrightThe one major weakness of the Gloomviles is their predilection for playing games of all sorts and kinds. If a visitor is smart enough to remain outside the Gloomviles' confinement, they may be pleaded with to come to the edge of the invisible prison and “play just one game!” Accepting the request will provoke a certain sad joy in the horrible creatures, who will eagerly bring out dice, counters, boards, and tattered rulebooks, crouching just inside their circular gaol, keen to play!

To determine the game to be played, roll one die or pick from the following table. The rules of these games can be found in Games of Legend. Some of the games have rewards or penalties for playing, as detailed above. In other games, if the Gloomvile wins, they will demand a prize from their opponent, typically a magical item, or a scrap of enchanted lore (if anything less worthy is offered, the Gloomvile will attack immediately). Should the Gloomvile lose, they are remarkably good sports and will proffer something valuable to the winner; an enchanted bauble from their hoard, a precious heirloom, or esteemed advice or knowledge not otherwise easily obtainable.

ATTACK 17 Claws (d6, 5)
DEFENCE 11 Robes (AF 3)
MAGICAL ATTACK 18 Magic Points None
MAGICAL DEFENCE 9 Health Points 2d6 10
EVASION 6 Movement 12m (25m)
STEALTH 12 PERCEPTION 8 (Gloomsight)

Category: infernal; Number: 2-7; Habitat: underworlds, hills, forests; Typical Treasure: average

This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 6.

Gloomviles originally appeared in the Golden Dragon gamebook The Eye of the Dragon (1985, reprinted 2016) by Dave Morris.
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bestiary/gloomvile.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/04 22:20 by cobdrag

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