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Snake by BrockprintLithe, limbless, scale-covered, and cold-blooded, snakes can be found everywhere except in the coldest regions of Legend. There are thousands of different species of snake, of which only 600 or so are venomous and, of these, less than one in ten have poison capable of harming a human. It is this last group that concerns us here – the likes of cobras, vipers, asps, kraits, fer-de-lance, mambas, etc.

In general, snakes will avoid people; conflict tends to arise when the snake is somehow angered or compelled to attack by sorcery. In warmer climes, snakes are known to take shelter in all sorts of enclosed spaces, including armour removed and left on the ground; picking up a helmet and accidentally tipping out the sleeping snake is likely to annoy the creature. More dangerous are those snakes preserved and compelled by ancient sorcery; the mages of ancient Kaikuhuru and those of Minj are known to have protected their lords' tomb-complexes with living serpent guardians1).

Snakes are fast. To represent this, roll 1d6 +12 to establish a snake's Reflexes. A low roll probably indicates the snake has got a bit cold and torpid.

ATTACK 17 Bite (d4, 1 + medium or strong poison)
DEFENCE 2 None (AF 0)
MAGICAL ATTACK N/A Magic Points None
MAGICAL DEFENCE 0 Health Points 2
EVASION 3 Movement var. (5m to 30m)

Native to Opalar, Mungoda, and Minj, some cobras can spit their venom into a victim's eyes. This form of attack is rare against humans (the preferred attack against such large opponents is a bite where they can reach). This is resolved as a missile attack with a 2m range at the victim's eyes (add +4 to the d20 Hit Roll because the cobra is aiming at a very small target). If hit, the victim is automatically blinded for 2−8 Combat Rounds but takes no other damage (characters wearing full helms that cover the face apply an additional +2 Hit Roll penalty when the cobra spits at them)2).

Ordinary snakes are not terribly bright; they will attack the closest thing they perceive as a threat. Experienced characters (e.g., Barbarians, Hunters, or those who've had previous experience dealing with snakes) can take advantage of this by placing something in their way (e.g., a shield, a cloak) to distract the snake and allow a riposte. To determine whether the character is successful, roll d20 vs ATTACK; a roll equal or less means the snake will attack the decoy and the character is then free to strike at the snake. A failed roll means the snake darts past the decoy to attack the character directly.

Snakes evoke a primaeval fear in many; a morale check may be appropriate (GM's discretion).

Snake by Unknown

This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 9.

Others have used snake guardians in tombs too, but these are less common (see Sleeping Gods p. 48).
The duration is perhaps kind but this is a game, after all.
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