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(Andrew Wright)

Trollbear by Andrew WrightLegends speak of the many monstrous horrors that stalk the uncharted depths of the Svartgard Forest, one of the most brutally terrifying being the hideous Trollbear, a foul and fey amalgamation of Troll and Bear, whose horrific origins are perhaps best left unknown. Though initially they may appear to be simply a large Bear, at close quarters, their inherent weirdness becomes apparent; rolling bloodshot eyes, mangy, parasite-infested pelts, and a thinner, rangier, almost man-like form.

The missionary-priest Thunric, in his journal Northern Exertions and Exhortations, noted the aftermath of a Trollbear attack on a village of reindeer-herders along the shores of the Rymchaeld Sea:

“…the air was rent with screams of the dying and injured. Corpses lay where they had been slain and eviscerated, entrails glistening in the cold air, barely eaten and killed purely for sport. One hunter, propped up against a hut, stared at me dully with one remaining eye until it glazed over and his soul departed, the other half of his skull having been bitten clean off. As he died, he moaned softly: 'Kauhu, kauhu…' – 'the horror, the horror…' in his native speech.”

In recent times, knowledge of the full extent of the Trollbear's habitat range has increased dramatically. They are now known not only from the Gnawing Wastes and surrounding environs, but also Yggdras Isle, the Kingdom of Wyrd, the blasted heaths of Krarth, and the lonelier fjords of the Flint Knives. A white-furred polar variant has even been encountered on icebergs floating as far west as Thuland. The reasons for such an expansion are currently unknown but may be linked to a similar rise in the numbers of local Troll populations, preying in turn on a proliferation of the establishment of new human settlements across northern Legend.

ATTACK 18 Claws (d8, 3)
DEFENCE 9 Fur (AF 1)
MAGICAL ATTACK N/A Magic Points None
MAGICAL DEFENCE 5 Health Points 1d10 +20
EVASION 4 Movement 10m (25m)

Due to their unnatural origins, the Trollbear will be afflicted with some kind of twisted mutation or another. Roll a d6 and consult the table below to determine the type and effects of this loathsome perversion.

d6 Mutation
1 Extra Heads – Roll a d6: 1-4 one extra head; 5-6 two extra heads. For each extra head, add +1 to ATTACK, DEFENCE, Health Points, and Perception.
2 Bear Hug – The Trollbear has particularly long arms and big fangs. A critical hit counts as a bear hug, as the Trollbear grapples its victim and gnaws on their flesh. The victim suffers 10 HP damage, armour notwithstanding.
3 Weapon Resistance – The Trollbear has inherited the Troll's resistance to non-metallic weapons such as cudgels and staves. It can only be harmed by iron or steel weapons.
4 Magic Resistance – The Trollbear has inherited the Troll's resistance to sorcery. It has a MAGICAL DEFENCE of 11.
5 Acid Drool – Every fifth round, the Trollbear will vomit forth a cascade of bilious yellow drool on the nearest opponent within 5m, with a SPEED of 13. This will cause d6 +1 HP of damage, and while armour may protect as normal, the acid will destroy non-magical armour the victim is wearing.
6 Mutant! – Roll twice on this table, ignoring further rolls of 6.
Note: The Trollbear originally appeared in the Dragon Warriors rulebook (p158).

This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 4.

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bestiary/trollbear.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/03 20:38 by cobdrag

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