Shadrick and his Waterskins
(Chris and Stella Meacham)
Shadrick has a mop of dark curly hair, reaching near 5 and a half feet in his boots, and could be described as lithe in his youth. He hails from Glissom, as all the best wanderers and storytellers do, but took for the adventuring life after a to-do with an ivy-covered wall, a window, and a bonny lass.
Shadrick turned his hand to many things on his travels. Trying to earn coin or a place to feel at home, he has taken up with many companions over the years, one being the notable Captain Sergio of the ship La Bella, and she is a beauty, that ship, to be sure. It was on that very ship, that Shadrick came closest to death and it was no adversary that laid him so low, it was the sea herself who tossed the ship and twisted her rigging 'til the rage washed out of the waves and she came to calm, far too calm, not a breeze to be had for all the sailors' charms or prayers to God, yet it was a single man who'd kept the majority of the sailors alive, Captain Sergio.
Captain Sergio had a special gift. Shadrick watched the man in secret and turned his mind to the wondrous things he saw, when their luck turned and they were saved, Shadrick chose to stay in Clyster when La Bella moored for repair, and took work where he could, entertaining, drinking, gathering knowledge of strange things, and perfecting his obsession.
Shadrick's Waterskin – Shadrick can make a special two pint waterskin, and could be commissioned to make one of these, should you find him. A prized possession to sailors and adventures alike, the price is high due to the time it takes to craft them. The leather for the skin must be tanned from the pelt of a magical creature. Shadrick is willing to buy such pelts and skins, no questions asked. These skins can be filled with any water, including salt water and urine and it will purify into suitable drinking water. Up to four pints may be purified in a 24-hour period.
This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 4.