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Frequently Asked Questions for Dragon Warriors

(Dave Morris (compiled by Brock))

First published by Dave Morris, and reprinted here with his kind permission, are questions asked about the Dragon Warriors game along with his replies.

Why are there no rules with more granularity for ranged combat/shields/sieges/skills/Vancian magic/D&D Clerics/social combat/sappers/toboggans etc.?

Dragon Warriors harkens back to a simpler time where all the rules you needed were included in the “combat” chapter. If we bolt on dozens of new rules then what we have is a clone of one of other fantasy games. The essence of Dragon Warriors isn't in the rules; it's about standing alone in the dark, shivering with cold and fear, while something terrible lurks just out of your flickering torchlight waiting for you to turn your back.

That's not to say we don't encourage you to create your own additions to the rules, in fact, if that is what you love to do, please do go crazy! But, please don’t expect official rules covering every single situation… if you want this kind of detail in your game there are some very fine products on the market that do this very well already.

Can a sorcerer with his tongue sliced off still cast spells?

Nope, a Sorcerer needs his tongue to chant, as do Warlocks and Elementalists to a lesser degree. Mystics don't require gestures or chanting so they can cast without a tongue.

What is the minimum number of fingers required to cast spells?

Sorcerer and Warlock finger gestures require all fingers, and are akin to sign language, replacing words in the Arcane tongue that are impossible to pronounce for a humanoid mouth. A Sorcerer who loses fingers must relearn to cast his spells using modified gestures requiring fewer fingers. This process is difficult; treat it as learning a simple language with a tutor. At the GM's discretion, a Warlock may actually need a tutor (any Sorcerer or other character who knows Arcane will do), since Warlocks don't actually understand the gestures they make. Elementalist gestures can be cruder, and therefore only require part of the hand to be intact, since Elementalist spells are primarily cast by force of will.

If a Sorcerer is blind in one eye, does he have a penalty in casting spells?

Nope, as long as he can see it, he can hit it.

Does //Deathlight// shoot both targets standing 80m from each other, so long as both are within the 40m range of the Sorcerer?

The Sorcerer needs to be able to see both targets fairly clearly, so both must be within a 90 degree arc, as seen from the sorcerer's perspective. That gives a maximum distance apart of around 57m.

Is //Bastion// able to stop direct magic and teleportation? and etc.

If a Bastion hides you completely, like hiding behind a wall, then you can't be targeted by a direct spell. You could Teleport through a Bastion since a Teleport skips the intervening space.

Is //Bastion// impregnable to everything? Does it stop outgoing attacks as well?

Yes, it blocks outgoing attacks. It is completely impregnable.

Can an Elementalist cast raw power higher than their rank?

As the core rules are written, yes, but see the optional fix from the Players' Guide.

Can an Elementalist use magic points from different pools at the same time when casting raw power?

No, all the points must come from one pool, corresponding to the elemental power desired.

How is EVASION applied? For example, can you attack one guy, defend against another and yet apply your EVASION to two javelins thrown at you, one from the front and the other from behind?

EVASION is a passive defence; it requires no action to be taken. EVASION represents both your ability to get out of the way and your situational awareness. You do not need to be aware of any individual attack to evade it. You can use EVASION whilst Surprised. Unless the rules specify otherwise (e.g., the Assassin's Shock Attack), or the GM rules that the circumstances are similarly exceptional, EVASION always works.

Does the Tangleroots spell only take effect on natural ground or on any surface?

It is magic and works on every surface.

If a Sorcerer releases a person from their own //Banish// spell, does the person reappear where the //Banish// spell was cast? This is certainly implied for //Banish// spells released by a //Dispel Magic//, but not necessarily clear for the other way of ending the spell.

They reappear at the location they were banished from. It is not a means to sneakily transport a comrade into the queen's bedchamber.

Does the //Mantlet// spell move with the caster after casting, or stay where it was originally cast?

It moves with the caster.

Does the caster need to know precisely where the victim is to cast the //Dishearten// spell and other similar direct attack spells? If so, how precisely?

You need to see your target fairly clearly in order to cast a spell. If you could point them out, that is enough. Dim lighting won't stop you from pointing someone out, but utter blackness or being 100% hidden behind a wall would. I can cast Dishearten if I can see your arm sticking out from behind a door. I can cast Dishearten if I can see you through a hole in the wall. I can't cast the spell if you are 100% hidden behind a solid object.

As a //Sword of Damocles// becomes solid when activated, why wouldn't it be stopped by a shield placed between it and the character's head?

Because it is magic; it is mysterious and powerful and breaks the laws of nature. The sword is just too strong to be stopped.

//Evil Eye// -- why do the effects from loss of binocular vision in this spell not match effects from loss of binocular vision in permanent injuries tables?

The effects are not identical, just similar.

//Suspended Animation// -- can a Mystic end this spell early?


How does the //Pursuit// spell work? Does the Mystic just know the direction of the target once the spell is cast, wherever they are, or do they need to start from a location the person was at and track their path from there?

You need to track their path from a location, passing objects they touched etc. It's about as accurate as a really good sniffer dog. Otherwise, it's too easy to follow folks.

Is the //Mystic Blast// bolt noticeable as an energy bolt? Or is it invisible, since it is a psychic force bolt and thus not noticeable? Same question for //Thunderclap//.

Mystic Blast and Thunderclap are not visible but the direction from which they come is usually pretty obvious. A logical guess at the point of origin could be made.

What are the scores for the different swarms an air Elementalist can summon with //Host of the Air//?

For a swarm of insects, the smallest category of swarm as outlined under killer bees should be used. If a flight of birds of prey are summoned, this should consist of 8 birds with the following statistics:

ATTACK 11 Peck (d2,1) DEFENCE 9 Armour Factor 0 MAGICAL DEFENCE 2 Movement 2m (Flying – 25m) Health Points 1 STEALTH 16 Rank-Equivalent 1 PERCEPTION 16 (normal)

Can a sorcerer move or defend while casting a spell?

The caster cannot move. The rules describe what can be done in a round on page 71. The only action that can be taken after moving (a quarter of maximum distance) is a melee attack. The caster can defend as normal.

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faq.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/17 08:55 by

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