Food from Flesh (Darkness Elementalist 2)
This wicked spell converts chunks of recently killed human flesh into edible food, reshaping it as roasted meats, pies, and vegetables. Even more horrifically, it only works with meat harvested from prepubescent children – every four Health Points sacrificed creates enough food to feed four people for one day.
Any follower of the True Faith (or other good belief) who finds they have consumed this food must roll under or equal to their Psychic Talent. If they fail this roll, the GM may roll on the Madness Tables (Dragon Warriors p. 124) to see what effect this has on the hapless eater's sanity.
The souls of anyone eaten in this manner are unable to move on and linger in a state of Limbo. They can only find peace when the person who cast this spell is, themselves, slain.
The original version of this spell, and a review of the film that inspired it, is Tapping into similar vibes as both Hagazussa and, to a lesser degree, The VVitch, Gretel & Hansel is a languid, lyrical, art house rural horror yarn that most definitely won't appeal to everyone.
This article first appeared in the Casket of Fays Issue 3.