Moonthread (Sorcerer 2)
With the casting of this spell, the sorcerer spins the light of the moon into a single thin silvery strand as strong as heavy rope and with the feel of a silk ribbon. It can be spun to any length up to 20m and, once spun, may not be cut, although being touched by direct sunlight or magical weapons will instantly destroy the entire length.
If the moonlight from which the thread is woven is extinguished or blocked from view of the thread, a spell expiry check is made once per round. If a source of moonlight is restored, the check once again only applies every 10 minutes.
If there is no moon in the sky, it is covered by clouds or the sorcerer is underground, the light of a Moonglow spell will suffice for the casting of this spell.
This article first appeared in Casket of Fays Issue 1.