Potion of Hilarious Pain Easing
“When the stupid boy had finished what he was doing, he came to me….gah! It was the wrong colour of liquid! In my displeasure I may have menaced him somewhat, scaring the half-wit. With the jar pressed to his chest, he dodged out of my way, it was agitated, a gas rose out.
He was wreathed in it and I took a step or two back to observe. Naught happened for a short space of time, then he began to chuckle, giggle and then laugh. Well, that was quite the outrage to my sensibilities so I slapped him. This seemed to have no effect at all, so I hit him harder, again no effect, normally he would have cried out… it was most unusual.”
Causes an hour of spontaneous laughter, during which the target is able to endure small amputations, tooth extractions, and general beatings with less pain and more humour.
This article first appeared in the Casket of Fays Issue 3.