Bäreshirt - A Skill of the Mighty
Some barbarians adopt a fighting style based on free movement. Relieving themselves from the weight and bulk of armour, they are able to reach their full potential, moving with strength, swiftness and grace. Fighting unarmoured is risky, however, and it takes only a few missteps to end up dead when you have no armour to rely on.
When a character trained in Bäreshirt is fighting with armour lighter than ringmail, they gain the following bonuses in melee.
Hard leather armour | +1 ATTACK; +1 DEFENCE; +1 EVASION |
Soft leather armour | +2 ATTACK; +2 DEFENCE; +1 EVASION |
No armour | +3 ATTACK; +2 DEFENCE; +2 EVASION |
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This article first appeared in the Casket of Fays Issue 3.
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miscellanea/bareshirt.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/29 10:26 by